

The Launceston Fire Brigade Board entered the motor age in 1920 with the purchase of a Maxwell car fitted out as a “motor hose cart”.  In 1921 this was followed by the purchase of a Ford chassis fitted out locally as a hose-carriage.  In 1925 a Chevrolet replaced the Ford.  In 1929 the Board made two purchase decisions, a 60` wheeled escape ladder from Merrywether & Sons, London England and a 250 gpm pumper from Dennis Bros, Guilford England (as displayed).  Entering service on the 26th February 1930, the Dennis is powered by a 4 cylinder White & Poppe petrol engine. It features a rear mounted Dennis No. 2 turbine pump and the first live hose reel to be fitted on a LFB appliance. For most of its working life the Dennis was based at the Brigade`s 89 Patterson St. central station. Initially it served as first turnout but after the arrival of a more modern Ford V8 pumper in 1937 it became the carrier of the Brigades wheeled fire escape ladders until its retirement in 1977.

After decommissioning, the appliance was leased to The Veteran Car Club of Australia Tasmania. In 1983 it was transferred to the Tasmanian Fire Service Museum, total restoration began in 2011 to its original condition in the early 1930`s.